E. coli O157 and Other STECs

E. coli O157 and Other STECs

Escherichia coli O104:H4: a New Challenge in Iraq.
Muna AL-Musawi, Kamil AL-Jobori, Adil Al-Musawi, Sahar Ali; Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (2018), 10: 1118-1121.

Novel monoclonal antibodies against Stx1d and 1e and their use for improving immunoassays.
Xiaohua He, Stephanie Patfield, Reuven Rasooly, Daniela Mavrici; Journal of Immunological Methods (2017), 447: 52-56.

Evaluation of ELISA Tests Specific for Shiga Toxin 1 and 2 in Food and Water Samples.
Andrew G. Gehring, Pina M. Fratamico, Joseph Lee, Leah E. Ruth, Xiaohua He, Yiping He, George C. Paoli, Larry H. Stanker, Fernando M. Rubio; Food Control (2017), 77: 145-149.

Validation of Two New Immunoassays for Sensitive Detection of a Broad Range of Shiga Toxins.
Kong Q, Patfield S, Skinner C, Stanker LH, Gehring AG, Fratamico PM, et al.; Austin Immunology (2016), 1(2): 1007.

Detection and Isolation of Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O104 and Other STEC Serogroups of Public Health Concern.
Baranzoni GM, Fratamico P, Rubio F, Glaze T, Launchi N, Bagi L, Albonetti S; Poster, International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2014.

Development and Evaluation of Latex Agglutination Tests, Immunomagnetic Beads and ELISAs for Non—0157 Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli (STEC).
Rubio F, Glaze T, Medina M, Fratamico P, Fan X; Poster, 126th AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2012.

Detecting deadly colonies of E. coli. Rosalie M. Bliss. Agricultural Research (2013), July: 18-19.